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Start to hear the earth sing :D
My Favourite Browser - Google Chrome
Friday, August 20, 2010 @ 7:32 AM

Yes, with many many different browsers,

it was indeed actually hard to choose one for usage.

And with the help of video 1 (in my previous post), I carried out a test on all the browsers I had on my computer:1) Google Crhome
2) Apple Safari
3) Opera
4) Mozilla Firefox

And here are the results:
As seen, my computer is actually suited to Google Chrome in terms of speed, security and stuff.
And anyway, Google Chrome is an awesome browser to use.
Besides loading pages extremely fast, it also has:
1) Many Addons
(You can download them @ https://chrome.google.com/extensions/?hl=en)
2) Themes
Here is a snapshot of my theme!

Here are some videos about Google Chrome!
1) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCgQDjiotG0
- This actually shows how Google Chrome was actually created
2) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xlh8gSF_hhE
3) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOYaTjURBPA
4) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SC-2VGBHFQI
5) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7R7sOeX3tsE&feature=fvst
Still not convinced that Google Chrome is for you?
If Eagan Chan uses it why not you?
Try it to believe it!
Now, with so much talk about Browsers, why actually bother?
As of my opinion, browsers are like way of life, in the context of computer usage. With the perfect, or preferable, browser, one can actually speedup things, being more efficient.
That being said, many people still dwell on Internet Explorer, thinking that being provided by Microsoft, is utterly reliable.
When actually Internet Explorer (even the latest version 8) does not actually compare to Opera/Chrome and others.
Thus, through reading such stuff, I hope my blog post can help YOU get a better browser!

Revival of Blog
Thursday, August 19, 2010 @ 11:31 PM

Hi All, it's been quite a while after my last blog-post.

Well, busy from studies, projects and NPCC, I was unable to acutally post due to commitments and lack of time.

And Yes, I kinda lost my interest in Magic Tricks, Magic Stuff...


I got rather interested in checking up browsers, checking up which browser is most suitable...

Here are some videos I found online for browser reviews and such...

1) Browser Wars - Lets make Peace!
This is basically a video to show us how to review each browser on one's computer (since different computers have different specs, preferences, etc.)

2) Here is Cnet (famous tech reviews and such company) actually doing a review on the best browser!

(Since embling is disabled for this video,
here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKTmiXJd3EU&feature=fvst)

3) Here's another video about the top browsers - IE/Chrome/Firefox/Opera/Safari

Actually browsers are of one's opinion, of one's preferences and such..

Mainly, as my opinion,
there are three kind of internet users:
1) Raw Speed
2) User-friendly
3) Features

Which one are you?

Task 2
Tuesday, May 25, 2010 @ 7:02 PM

Task 2
Complete the template provided in Annex A, focusing on (1) Point of View; (2) Situation and Setting; (3) Language/Diction; and (4) Personal Response, and post your response to Task 2 on your blog. This template is based on John Lye’s ‘Critical Analysis of Poetry’, and you can make reference to this in Annex B when in doubt.

All details and information can be found in the document below:

>Click Here<

Task 1
@ 6:35 PM

Task 1
Based on your understanding of the selected poem, perform extensive web research and write a report detailing the conflict represented in the poem(s) of your choice. Bear in mind that this piece of background information will allow your blog audience to further understand the poem as well as your analysis of the poem in Task 2.

Be sure to include your references and credit your sources.

As this poet was not really very well known, neither was his works classified under war poems as he just wrote them recently, I was unable to find much data on him.

However, the situation of his status while writing the poem was clear

'I was in Vietnam in 1967 - 68 and again in 1969. I go back often because my soul lives in Vietnam and I go back to visit it from time to time.

  I was sitting in my hotel room in Saigon just before Christmas 2009 and I was trying to write a poem about the girls who work in the park and how badly men treat them. I was angry but unable to write anything that did not sound trite or weak. I looked at the TV and the news was on. I did not know what the news reader was saying but in the background was a photo of a small boy with a helmet and an automatic rifle. This poem flowed out. The words just came to me and I typed as fast as I could to get it all down.'



@ 6:29 PM

Hi all, once again, we have e-learning week @ hwachong.

With our parents meeting our teachers, we stay at home and do work.

Here, my Language Arts teacher has arranged some work for us.


So, as my english standards are not really good, I shall start with the 1* poem.

Children in the Darkness

There are children in the darkness
Who have not seen the light
There are children in the darkness
Who someone will teach to fight
Chalk and blackboards will not be
To this door there is no key
From this life they can not flee
And these children are not free
Could we simply light a candle
Could we give them half a chance
Could we teach them how to read
Could we teach them how to dance
Or will a war consume them
Their body and their soul
Will their life and blood be poured
Down some endless thirsty hole
Back into the darkness
From which there is no flight
Back into the darkness
Into which there shines no light

Henry M Bechtold

My Own Performances
Monday, March 8, 2010 @ 7:52 AM

Here Are 3 Of My Performances.

1) Dinner4Two Simplified Version ( Little Setup/ UnGimmicked)

2)Triumph Simplified Version (UnGimmicked/ No Setup ;Gimme A Random Deck And I Can Perform The Trick)

3) Brainwave Normal Routine( Gimmicked / Pure Setup)
(Uploaded to Youtube {Lags Here} )

Will Be Uploading svengali sixes rounties soon (After I master it)


Random Awesomeness!

Card Magic
@ 7:18 AM


Card magic is just a branch from many types of magic

that would include
card manipulation
sleight of hand Manipulation

card flourishes.

Dove Acts


the only thing i learnt sooo far, is card magic.

(I'm a beginner. REMEMBER?)

So Basic Card Magic.

It is classified into 2 main categories.

Gimmicked And Non-Gimmicked

Allow Me To Touch On Gimmicked Card Tricks.

Basically, gimmicked card tricks do not involve just a deck of normal playing cards.
instead, it also includes the use of things like say; a double sided card, scotched tape, rough-backed cards, etc.

Some Even Involve a whole deck being gimmicked.
Yes, the svengali deck (now you know about the picture books a magicians would go to your school and amaze you) are gimmicked too.

Gimmicked cards/decks, in my opinion do not require much sleight of hand( hand practice) compared to non-gimmicked cards.

Non- Gimmicked tricks just involves a deck of playing cards maybe a copy of one card or two. And your off.
All That Matters Are Set-ups, Sleight Of Hand And Lil-bit of practice.
A good card magic teacher would be mismag822/cardtrickteacher on youtube.com
Non- Gimmicked tricks could also mean mathematical tricks (relies on the principle of math rather than sleight of hand)
to perform certain tricks.
Here are some links to card tricks (varying from difficulty)
1. Easy [ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-PTvtt6Rw_Q ]
2. Medium [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3U42z8qFboQ]
3. Difficult [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bE9u2GzgEx4]

Top Magicians In THe World.

Here are some of the top magicians in the world!


Watch The Top's Magicians's Video There.

Ok. Here are the top magicians!

In My Opinion, they are Jeff McBride, Simon Lovell and Harry Lorayne. Jeff McBride has a great stage presence and pulls off the Cardini productions with skill and presence! Simon Lovell has a knack for handling cards that only a skilled conman/gambler/magician could. His sleights, even in slow motion are foolers. Finally, Harry Lorayne employs fairly simple card sleights and techniques yet makes miracles occur with the cards on the table right in front of you.

Jeff McBride!

A foremost innovator and among magic's most exciting performers, Jeff McBride combines mask, martial arts, kabuki theatre, world class sleight of hand, myths & stories from around the world - and more - to create electrifying performances that thrill a wide range of audiences. Click the 'play' arrow below for a fast introduction!

Jeff has recently completed a three month run of both his show Magic at the Edge, and his new magical club experience McBride's Wonderground at the Palace Station casino in Las Vegas, where both events won rave reviews.

A recent appearance on The World Magic Awards ("Best Classical Magician), several featured spots on Masters of Illusion and McBride's participation as a judge on VH-1's Celebracadabra are just the latest in a string of television appearances covering every major network. His unique theatrical style of magic combines pantomime, martial arts, Kabuki theater and a dozen varied performing disciplines with world class sleight of hand to create magic that is not simply mystifying, but dramatic and deeply moving.

Founder of the McBride Magic & Mystery School, McBride is an accomplished creative consultant, teacher and lecturer, in addition to his amazing capabilities as a performer. He continues to travel the world performing and teaching, building an extensive network of contacts in the magic, performing arts and academic worlds who share his enthusiasm for all things magical.

This site is designed to serve our clients, and make the process of booking Jeff McBride's services as simple for you as possible. Follow the links above for various theatrical and corporate offerings, or visit one of our other sites to learn more about the man behind the magic or the Magic & Mystery School. If you don't find what you need here, feel free to contact us at any time. We'll be delighted to hear from you!

Simon Lovell is a world-renowned close up entertainer incredibly gifted in the art of sleight-of-hand. His level of skill is second only to his ability to entertain and create laughter. His talents are especially popular at private parties and corporate functions where he can seamlessly entertain from group to group, amazing everybody along the way!

Simon's live engagements have received wide acclaim. Simon's performed all over the world, from the famous Magic Castle in Hollywood to the London Palladium, through the middle and far east to Australia, and South America. Whatever the group, he has never failed to please them!

One of Simon's specalities is catering his work to corporate clients. Whatever the size of the group he can use his magical talents to give them an experience they will never forget. He has integrated his clients products into his performance designing specialized magic into each show.

Simon is a highly experienced performer with over 350 television credits to his name. Additionally, Simon has produced 16 videos, published 21 books, and written hundreds of magazine articles, short stories and scripts. In recent years he has been professionally engaged advising others performers in live and film situations, lecturing world wide to casinos and also to specialist groups of magicians.

Over the years Simon has appeared in every kind of venue. His unique style and audience involvement make him one of the most popular magical entertainers around. Reviewers have described his trademark straitjacket routine as one of the funniest tricks in the world!


Harry Lorayne (born 1926) is a memory-training specialist and magician who has been called "The Yoda of Memory Training" by Time magazine. He is well known for his mnemonic demonstrations and has appeared on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson. [1] His book The Memory Book was a New York Times bestseller.

Lorayne is a notable figure in the card magic world and has published several books and videos on the topic. He is a writer of technical literature for magicians and has a clear and informal writing style.Magic magazine May 1999 included him in a list of the 100 most influential magicians of the 20th century.

For twenty years, Lorayne wrote and published the magazine Apocalypse. His latest book for magicians is Lorayne: The Classic Collection, an updated collection of his first four magic books of the 1960s.

Mr. Lorayne is generally considered in magic circles to be a living legend. His card magic, especially his innovations in card sleights, are still widely used by professional magicians to this day.

Lorayne has also coauthored The Memory Book with basketball star Jerry Lucas.

To demonstrate his memory, Harry Lorayne would stand beside the president of the club he was visiting and be introduced to each member. The number of members of a club could reach up to 1,500. After an hour and a half, Lorayne would speak about memory for about 20 minutes and then ask if anyone had a question. He promised that he would pay any questioner whose name he could not remember a thousand dollars. He always remembered the names of every member of the audience.[citation needed] Lorayne also made news by memorizing and recalling information from several phone books with no errors.

In 1961, Lorayne published a book called Secrets of Mind Power. The book tells readers how to improve their thinking skills for success. The book gained many avid readers, including a few celebrities.[citation needed] In Chronicles, Volume 1, Bob Dylan writes that he read Lorayne's book shortly before breaking through as a music star after finding it in the book collection of a friend.

In 2007, Lorayne published Ageless Memory, which he called his legacy book.


My Interest. - Magic
@ 6:32 AM

K. Spent My Last 15 Minutes Pondering About What Would Be A Suitable Blog Post Be...

As I Was Going Through The Things I Like:

Either Too Irrelevant or 'kop'ed By Someone Esle.

Then I Thought Of A Hobby I Picked Up Recently: Card Magic.

From Young, I was already amazed By Magicians Who Performed Stage Magic On TV, card Magic On School Stages And Much More.

Thus, During A Rather, Relatively Less Busy December Holidays, I Tried To Try To Find Tutorials On Magic, Making Myself Less Curious (Curiosity Kills The Cat).

Youtube.com (Massive Video Uploading Website) has proven to be an effective website to learn the bare basics of illusions. 'Elmesy Counts, False Shuffles, Card Forces'. All The Bare Basics Were Taught There. Magicians Also Thrived There. Getting Partnership bonuses, creating a broader Network, youtube.com was a nice platform for magicians to gather, to share and to contest. High definition graphics, visual step-by-step instructions.

There was where i started to impress my family,soon my friends with some basic magic tricks although i get exposed most of the time due to the lack of practice. There was where i started to purchase some tally-hos and bicycle decks to aid to my hobby.

Magic tricks is a rather fun and nice hobby. Trying To Figure out other tricks, perfecting yours, having fun (rather than spending 24/7 on computer games).

Magic Is for the old, young and anyone! (:

Next I Would Be Sharing Some Of The Different Types Of Magic, Different Types Of Card Magic, Top Magicians And myself performing some 'ghetto' card magic.

Monday, March 1, 2010 @ 11:20 PM

Civili Rights Poster

E-learning Post (: Task 1
@ 6:27 PM

Learning Styles....

Here is my MI profile (:

My Strongest Areas Were Logical And Interpersonal (:



This area has to do with interaction with others. In theory, people who have a high interpersonal intelligence tend to be extroverts, characterized by their sensitivity to others' moods, feelings, temperaments and motivations, and their ability to cooperate in order to work as part of a group. They communicate effectively and empathize easily with others, and may be either leaders or followers. They typically learn best by working with others and often enjoy discussion and debate.

Careers that suit those with this intelligence include sales, politicians, managers, teachers, and social workers.


This area has to do with logic, abstractions, reasoning, and numbers. While it is often assumed that those with this intelligence naturally excel in mathematics, chess, computer programming and other logical or numerical activities, a more accurate definition places emphasis on traditional mathematical ability and more reasoning capabilities, abstract patterns of recognition, scientific thinking and investigation, and the ability to perform complex calculations. It correlates strongly with traditional concepts of "intelligence" or IQ.

Careers which suit those with this intelligence include scientists, mathematicians, engineers, doctors and economists.

I feel that these results are rather accurate ( math scores not really that bad and being a councillor(: )

I would work on these areas and try to improve on my weakest areas (naturalist - try to save the earth)

Saturday, September 12, 2009 @ 10:33 PM

Last Lesson Of the afternoon by DH Lawrence
1) What are the persona’s feelings described in the first three stanzas of this poem? Explain how the poet described these feelings through the use of alliteration, metaphors and pun.

The persona was feeling rather vexed and tired. He is also anxious for this session to end. Through the use of alliteration, metaphors and puns, the poet was able to describe his feelings.
In the first Stanza, the author used the metaphor ‘My pack of unruly hounds’. This metaphor refers his students as badly behaving dogs that are hard to control. Through this metaphor, he shows that he is unable to control his students and thus he was very vexed. Besides that, in the phrase ‘a quarry of knowledge they hate to hunt’, two literary devices, alliteration and pun, were used. The pun was ‘quarry of knowledge’. Quarry refers to a person of animal that is being hunted, however in this context, it was knowledge. ‘Hate to hunt’ was the alliteration. It showed that the students hated to learn and were least interested in getting more knowledge and they showed the persona no respect that is why the author is angry.
In the second stanza, a pun used was ‘sick’. It has two possible meanings. While it could be referring that he was physically unwell, it could also refer that he was sick and tired or his students. From this, I can infer that he was tired and was tolerating.
In the third stanza, the persona used the phrase ‘my last dear fuel of life’. Through this metaphor, the persona wishes to show that he was about to die. A pun used was ‘take the toll’. It could mean that the effect will be on the persona or the students.

2) How is the tone of anger in this poem illustrated?
The persona used different ways to illustrate his anger. One of the ways was choice of words. It was shown throughout the poem, especially in the second stanza. The use of brunt shows how the author coops with his stress. While slovenly work shows how the students neglect their studies.

Here are my thoughts on the previous article that I posted ;D
Tuesday, August 18, 2009 @ 6:27 PM

As a child, I have always believed that there was always life outside earth and the solar system. When I was about five, I came across This book ‘ Life Outside Earth’.
I Believed This Concept:
Stars= More possibility that it is not a solitary star
More possibility that it is not a solitary star= Solar systems.Solar systems= planetsPlanets= Hope for life on other planetsLots of stars= Lots of solar systemsLots of solar systems=Lot of planets.Lots of planets= Lots of hope for life on other planets.That is why there is no life on other planets

What if they come to earth…
If they ever come to earth, could they be different from us?
Here are some hilarious things that may occur (I think)
The ‘alien’s will walking on their hands.
Besides, to them that is normal and we are aliens =0

I feel that they would take a very long time before they would come to earth and requires major technology =0

Article Review =)
@ 6:24 PM

Here is the Article:

Man may have been born in outer space
Basic life ingredient found in comet's dust; early life forms could have been delivered to Earth: Scientists
LOS ANGELES: Strengthening the argument that life in the universe might be more common than previously thought, scientists have found traces of a key building block of biology in dust snatched from the tail of a comet.
Scientists at Goddard Space Flight Centre in Greenbelt, Maryland, have uncovered glycine, the simplest amino acid and a vital compound necessary for life, in a sample from the comet Wild 2, named for astronomer Paul Wild (pronounced Vild).
The sample was captured by National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Stardust spacecraft, which dropped it into the Utah desert in 2006.
Dr Jason Dworkin, a co-author of a paper outlining the discovery in the journal Meteoritics and Planetary Science, said glycine was first detected a few months after the sample landed. The next two years, he said, were spent verifying the result.
Said Dr Jamie Elsila, a research scientist at Goddard and co-author of the research paper: 'By detecting glycine, we now know that comets could have delivered amino acids to the early Earth, contributing to the ingredients that life originated from.'
The idea that the ingredients for life were delivered to Earth from the nursery of space, rather than developing out of the Earth's original chemical soup, has been around for years. Amino acids previously have been discovered in meteorites. But this is the first time an amino acid has turned up in comet material.
'This is yet another piece of evidence that the ingredients for life are ubiquitous. These building blocks of life are everywhere,' said Dr Carl Pilcher, director of Nasa's Astrobiology Institute, which helped fund the research.
The Stardust spacecraft, managed jointly by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, and Lockheed Martin Space Systems in Denver, was launched in 1999 on a 4.6-billion-km journey that made two loops around the Sun before meeting up five years later with Wild 2, which orbits between Mars and Jupiter.
Flying as close as 237km to the hamburger-shaped comet, Stardust passed through its tail of dust and gas.
At its closest approach, the craft deployed a tennis racket-shaped collector packed with a substance called aerogel, which harvested comet particles. The spacecraft then returned to Earth's orbit and jettisoned a capsule containing the sample. The capsule landed in Utah on Jan 15, 2006.
Professor Don Brownlee, a University of Washington astronomer who served as chief scientist on the Stardust mission, called the work 'a real tour de force technologically to make these measurements in such small samples'.
He said the result is exciting because it represents a second, very large source of life-giving material. He estimated that there are as many as a trillion comets in and around the solar system, many of them located in the chilly Kuiper Belt beyond Pluto, or in the Oort Cloud even farther out.
'There has been a huge question of where the pre-biotic compounds came from on Earth,' he added. 'Did they come from space? Or were they made here? Or maybe they came from both places.'
Just having the right materials is no guarantee that life will begin, of course, any more than leaving a hammer, nails and planks lying around will cause a barn to rise. Prof Brownlee pointed out that many of the 30,000 or so meteorites found on Earth bear traces of organic compounds, and there is also evidence that they were once warm and wet, all necessary conditions for life. Yet none of the meteorites has shown any evidence of life forms.
'They are all failed places where life could have arisen,' Prof Brownlee said.

My Favourite Food
@ 6:04 PM

I love many types of food.
They include:
Tanglin Halt Western Food
Fortunate Restaurant
Pizza Hut

And Many More...
A Survey In Yahoo Concluded That Many people love lagsana, beef steak, etc..

But The food I like the most is Chicken Rice

Hainanese chicken rice is a dish of Chinese origin most commonly associated with Malaysian cuisine or Singaporean cuisine, although it is also commonly sold in neighboring Thailand, and found in Hainan, China itself.

Why Do I Like it so Much

Firstly, it is delicious and taste nice. Secondly, it is a traditional dish. Thirdly and most importantly, it is light, unlike many heavy dishes like Western food and Chinese food. It is simple, cheap and a easy take-away.
I Therefore use my five senses to determine why I like it =)
Sight, as you can see, a place of chicken rice looks very inviting and it is very presentable. In my opinion, other dishes like say, nasi lemak (my opinion, no offence) looks not as inviting as chicken rice.
Taste: It is extremely flavorful and just goes in your mouth and is very light.
Touch: The texture is very smooth and the chicken comes in bit size pieces while the rice is soft and good. =)
Smell: The chicken smells nice an adds to the flavor of it.

Home Learning Blog Post 1
Wednesday, July 29, 2009 @ 6:15 AM

Yea, I know I'm late. But this blog post is all about reflections - reflect on one's day.

That is why I posted it late. =)

Here's the blog prompt...
1. What are your thoughts about home learning? Is it more effective than learning in school?

Home learning =)
It is rather ok. Not much stress but the workload is about the same. It's like having classwork as homework.


I made a mindmap on the pros and cons of home learning and school learning =)


Here's the conclusion:

Both are Okay and we gleaned about the same in both types of learning.

Micheal Jackson
Sunday, July 5, 2009 @ 7:38 PM

here are some slides on Micheal Jackson...

Michael Jackson Life and Times

Elements of poetry
Tuesday, June 30, 2009 @ 4:34 PM

Elements of Poetry

Uploaded on authorSTREAM by ttravis Upload your own presentation

Poems! [2]
Monday, June 29, 2009 @ 6:29 PM

Lesson 2
Choose a poet by going online to a couple of the internet sites such as Poets.org (Academy of American Poets website) or American Poetry Online.
Blog on your favorite poet. Your entry should be approximately 400 words. You should include the following:
Ask yourself why you chose this particular poet. Why is he/she intriguing? Begin with an interesting fact, quote from a literary critic, an interview with the poet, etc. and move on to a thesis (yes, a thesis) which is not just a statement of fact, such as Sylvia Plath is a deeply disturbed woman.

Think about what you feel about the poet’s work after having done the research; create a claim or opinion about him/her and let the reader know in the thesis what exactly you will be covering in the paper.
Background and historical context. Biographical information is fine, but make sure that it provides insight into the writer and his/her work .
Three poems by the poet
All outside source material or links must be cited.

My favourite poet is Allen Ginsberg.

Allen Ginsberg was born in Newark, New Jersey, on June 3, 1926. The son of Louis and Naomi Ginsberg, two Jewish members of the New York literary counter-culture of the 1920s, Ginsberg was raised among several progressive political perspectives. A supporter of the Communist party, Ginsberg's mother was a nudist whose mental health was a concern throughout the poet's childhood. According to biographer Barry Miles, "Naomi's illness gave Allen an enormous empathy and tolerance for madness, neurosis, and psychosis."

This is what I admire about him - although he comes from a rather dysfunctional family, he still strives to be what he wants to be.

For more Click >Here<
Another thing! His poems are all very long... =)

Here are his long list of poems
Howl and Other Poems (1956)
Kaddish and Other Poems (1961)
Reality Sandwiches (1963)
The Yage Letters (with William S. Burroughs, 1963)
Planet News (1968)
First Blues: Rags, Ballads & Harmonium Songs 1971 - 1974 (1975)
The Gates of Wrath: Rhymed Poems 1948–1951 (1972)
The Fall of America: Poems of These States (1973)
Iron Horse (1972)
Mind Breaths (1978)
Plutonian Ode: Poems 1977–1980 (1982)
Collected Poems: 1947–1980 (1984)
White Shroud Poems: 1980–1985 (1986)
Cosmopolitan Greetings Poems: 1986–1993 (1994)
Howl Annotated (1995)
Illuminated Poems (1996)
Selected Poems: 1947–1995 (1996)
Death and Fame: Poems 1993–1997 (1999)

A Supermarket in California

What thoughts I have of you tonight, Walt Whitman, for I walked
down the sidestreets under the trees with a headache self-conscious looking
at the full moon.
In my hungry fatigue, and shopping for images, I went into the neon
fruit supermarket, dreaming of your enumerations!
What peaches and what penumbras! Whole families shopping at
night! Aisles full of husbands! Wives in the avocados, babies in the tomatoes!
--and you, García Lorca, what were you doing down by the watermelons?
I saw you, Walt Whitman, childless, lonely old grubber, poking
among the meats in the refrigerator and eyeing the grocery boys.
I heard you asking questions of each: Who killed the pork chops?
What price bananas? Are you my Angel?
I wandered in and out of the brilliant stacks of cans following you,
and followed in my imagination by the store detective.
We strode down the open corridors together in our solitary fancy
tasting artichokes, possessing every frozen delicacy, and never passing the cashier.
Where are we going, Walt Whitman? The doors close in a hour.
Which way does your beard point tonight?
(I touch your book and dream of our odyssey in the supermarket andfeel absurd.)
Will we walk all night through solitary streets? The trees add shadeto shade, lights out in the houses, we'll both be lonely.
Will we stroll dreaming of the lost America of love past blue automo-biles in driveways, home to our silent cottage?
Ah, dear father, graybeard, lonely old courage-teacher, what Americadid you have when Charon quit poling his ferry and you got out on a smoking bank and stood watching the boat disappear on the black waters ofLethe?

For more click >Here<

Sunday, June 28, 2009 @ 5:10 PM

Here is a Poem I found on the web.
>Click Here For It<

A Girl by Ezra Pound
The tree has entered my hands,
The sap has ascended my arms,
The tree has grown in my breast-
The branches grow out of me, like arms.

Tree you are,
Moss you are,
You are violets with wind above them.
A child - so high - you are,
And all this is folly to the world.

Blog Prompt:

How are the figurative language used in the poem? Give the specific word(s), explain what type of figurative language it is and why the poet chose to use this figurative language?

Many Personifications are used in this poem.
Here are some examples:
The Tree has entered my hand.
A Tree could have never enter a human being's hand, instead this line is referring, in my opinion, a baby.
Some metaphors are used in this poem.
Here are some examples:
Tree You Are.
The writer referred are her child as tree and thought of her as a tree and gave her abilities of a tree - growing, perseverance.

2. Tell us why you like this poem in no less than 100 words
The poem was simple yet meaningful. It was very symbollic of her baby and described her as a tree - This could speak of her love for her baby. Although this poems does not use a tactic which I know as a rhymming (laymen's term), it still sounded nice. I hope that this poem could help me learn more about poems.


Book presentation
Friday, May 22, 2009 @ 8:44 PM

/* Will Be Posted Up After Class presentation */

Join The Group If You Cannot... By Eagan Chan
Monday, April 20, 2009 @ 2:27 AM

Subscribe to 1p2_2009_hci

Powered by us.groups.yahoo.com

Monday, April 6, 2009 @ 7:20 AM

This was done by Raman Pfaff. If you would like more information, please
contact him at pfaff@explorescience.com

Friday, March 6, 2009 @ 9:47 PM

What is your True Fear?
Your Result: Looked down on

You have a very high self image. You're the kind of person that loves being in the center of attention. You're very outgoing, and outspoken. You also always have to look you're best. Whether going out, or just hanging out with the girls if you're not looking great you're not happy. You're a natural born leader, and love when people look up to you. You're worst fear is that someone won't like you, or look up to you. If someone criticized or critiqued you to the point that people stopped wanting to hang around you, or began thinking less of you that would be your worst nightmare. You secretly really want to be liked, respected and appreciated by others. A good way to make sure that people have a positive view of you is to consider their thoughts and feelings also.

Where Your life is Going
Being Alone
Losing Someone
What is your True Fear?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

Today's quiz
Monday, March 2, 2009 @ 2:21 AM

Try these:

your answers in the form of coefficientx10^exponent) If your answer is 3.5 x 10
you should type 3.5x10^3 in the box then click the submit

X 106) / (2X104)=

X 108) / (2 X 10 6)=

(3 X 107) / (8 x 104)=


Have a calculator-make less mistakes
@ 2:13 AM

have a calculator

Photo Montage
Saturday, February 28, 2009 @ 3:16 AM

Theme -> Identity


This is me Or at least

what I want to be. Strong

and mighty.

School badge

This is my school badge

Although I do not really

know the meaning and

significance of this, I

Feel that this is very


Lights in my house

These are the lights in

my house. They light up

my family's day and

pushes us on. There is

seldom darkness in my


This is the 饮水思源 rock.

饮水思源 means to be

fillal and to remember

the people that helped you.

Table Tennis is a popular

and convinent sport in HwaChong . I

personally play table tennis everyday.

During recess, many students will be making

a beeline to the courts and shout "choke".

They make use of the quick-passing time

to play table tennis like a cease-fire in a battle.

Time management is very important. I feel that I manage
my time rather, fairly well.

Blog Post
Tuesday, February 24, 2009 @ 4:59 PM

Blog Prompt: Imagine you are the author AVI.

You have reflected on all the discussion that took place on Okra Winfrey's Talk Show and have decided to rewrite the ending of the documentary novel. Rewrite the end if the novel in any given test type. Your ending should be at least about 200 words. [ Maximum 300 ] Upload your alternative ending in your blog.

Dr.Joseph Palleni was sacked from his role as the vice-principal.After Philip Malloy cried, he confessed to the reporters about him with the intention to spite Mrs.Narwin and not being patriotic.

Letter From Philip Malloy to Reporters

Dear reporters

Re: Letter of confession

I am extremely apologetic for disturbing the truth. At the start, Mrs. Narwin gave me a D grade for English. I was actually alright with that. However, during the Track-n-field trails, the coach told me that I could not enter the team as I had a D for English. The school rules state that to enter a competitive sport, my grades must be above D , at least a C. I felt that Mrs Narwin should not be blamed.

Yours Truly,
Philip Malloy

Conversation between Philip Malloy and his parents.

Mrs Malloy: Philip, Do you think you have made the right choice? Your future might be ruined dear.
Philip:(sob)(sob)Mum, if I had not admitted my mistake, I not only would feel guilty for times like this, but for eternity.
Mr Malloy: Philip, I am proud to have a son like you.
Philip lights up.

Conversation between Miss Narwin and the new principal and Coach Jamison

Mr. Eagan: I am the new principal Mr. Eagan. I have read from the newspapers that you have been wronged gravely.
Miss Narwin:(Staring at the new principal) You look young.
Mr.Eagan: Yea.
Miss Narwin: Okay. I would resume my duties. But I have 2 requests.
Mr.Eagan: List them. I would try to fulfil them with my utmost power.
Miss Narwin: Firstly, I would want you to give a nod to the new study package. Secondly, I would want you to let Philip Malloy back into this school. After all, I would in a bad mood on that day. When he hummed, I was apoplectic. That's all.
Coach Jamison: Happy to have him back to win medals for our school.


Science For Fun
Monday, February 23, 2009 @ 1:24 AM

On 23-02-09, I went to 'Science For Fun', an Enrichment activity. I was rather stunned as I'm the only one in class attending the Enrichment

There were 10 experiments in all. Namely, Urine test, Action of Lipase On Milk, Pineapple Gelatin, Oobleck, Yellow Crystals, Colour Changing Mlik, Drinking Bird, Hand Boiler, Radiometer and Amazing Revolution.

Firstly, the urine test. Although I and my ex-classmate were rather disgusted by it, we still continued with it.We needed to put a test stick in the urine then find a colour that matches the stick. The colours look like this: From that very pratical experiment, I understand that urine contains few chemicals such as pH 5 and protein 1+.

Then they was the Action of Lipase on Milk. It was quite fun. With 2 friends, we noticed that a small mistake we make such as adding 1 cm3 will affect the whole experiment. Accuracy is very important I learnt. In that, that 1cm3 turned my chemical into a different colour in the picture shown.

The other experiments were fun. I have enjoyed the enrichment program alot and have gleaned alot from it.


@ 1:20 AM

nid help in the orpah winfey thing? here is smth that might help u

Go Public
Saturday, February 21, 2009 @ 7:06 PM

Blog Prompt
Q: A recent nationwide survey done in Singapore has revealed that primary school students have a nonchalant attitude towards environmental issues. You are the president of the Activist's Club in Singapore and have been invited to make a speech to educate and inspire the young ones to make a difference in their lifestyle and choices.

Hi young people. In this talk, I hope to elucidate you to make a difference in your lifestyle and choice. Firstly, I am going to let a watch a movie clip.

Firstly, I would like to stress that electricity will not last forever. Just read http://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/onlinestuff/snot/will%20_we_ever_run_out_of_electricity.aspx . In 20 to 30 years time, you as adults will be solving this problem. What will you be doing? Thats why I am here to tell you that you people must be involved and do something. As in the video clips said, there are Millions and possibly, billions of people suffering. Go Public, youngsters.

Make an effort! If not for Einstein's finding of e=mc2 , now we as singaporean will still be likely under the japanese rule. I'm not asking you to make another finding like c=aloslpfdolapo123211 .
Just try.

My fav. device
Friday, January 23, 2009 @ 11:12 PM

Blog prompt

Q: Imagine your group has just invented an electronic device that helps other students learn better in the classroom. Write a short press release that describes this new device and explain how it will promote learning.

Dear all, I am here to represent my group to present to you, our distinguished guest, the invention, namely convinent comp.

Basically, it is a computer connected to the table. This allows the student to be able to look at the screen where the teacher is teaching. Worksheets can also be done on that, using the e-pen.

A camera will be put on the table to ensure the student is actively studying. I hope that MOE can accept this.

blogging time
Friday, January 16, 2009 @ 8:09 PM

Blog prompt
Imagine you are one of these older workers. You have been invited by the Manpower Ministry to give a short speech to a group of local businesses to encourage them to hire older workers. Write the speech that you will deliver.

Dear local businessmen,
Im here to give a speech to encourage you to hire older workers like me.
Firstly, we are far more exprienced than younger workers.Being more exprienced means being more versitile and understanding. We will be calm when in dificulties.
Secondly, being older, we are more or less more loyal. Younger people , having more potential, might leave the company anytime.We the older people will not leave .
Thirdly, we are more resilent compared to younger people.We can take manual jobs.
Lastly, our physical strength may not be weaker than younger people.

So, after my four reasons, I urge you businessman to hire older workers. Of course, there are far more reasons than this.But I do not have to say all of it now.

We the older people , if not better than younger people, are equal to them.

My speech is done.