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Start to hear the earth sing :D
My Interest. - Magic
Monday, March 8, 2010 @ 6:32 AM

K. Spent My Last 15 Minutes Pondering About What Would Be A Suitable Blog Post Be...
As I Was Going Through The Things I Like:
- Computer Games
- Soccer
- Cars
Then I Thought Of A Hobby I Picked Up Recently: Card Magic.
From Young, I was already amazed By Magicians Who Performed Stage Magic On TV, card Magic On School Stages And Much More.
Thus, During A Rather, Relatively Less Busy December Holidays, I Tried To Try To Find Tutorials On Magic, Making Myself Less Curious (Curiosity Kills The Cat).
Youtube.com (Massive Video Uploading Website) has proven to be an effective website to learn the bare basics of illusions. 'Elmesy Counts, False Shuffles, Card Forces'. All The Bare Basics Were Taught There. Magicians Also Thrived There. Getting Partnership bonuses, creating a broader Network, youtube.com was a nice platform for magicians to gather, to share and to contest. High definition graphics, visual step-by-step instructions.
There was where i started to impress my family,soon my friends with some basic magic tricks although i get exposed most of the time due to the lack of practice. There was where i started to purchase some tally-hos and bicycle decks to aid to my hobby.
Magic tricks is a rather fun and nice hobby. Trying To Figure out other tricks, perfecting yours, having fun (rather than spending 24/7 on computer games).
Magic Is for the old, young and anyone! (:
Next I Would Be Sharing Some Of The Different Types Of Magic, Different Types Of Card Magic, Top Magicians And myself performing some 'ghetto' card magic.