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Start to hear the earth sing :D
Science For Fun
Monday, February 23, 2009 @ 1:24 AM
On 23-02-09, I went to 'Science For Fun', an Enrichment activity. I was rather stunned as I'm the only one in class attending the Enrichment
There were 10 experiments in all. Namely, Urine test, Action of Lipase On Milk, Pineapple Gelatin, Oobleck, Yellow Crystals, Colour Changing Mlik, Drinking Bird, Hand Boiler, Radiometer and Amazing Revolution.
Firstly, the urine test. Although I and my ex-classmate were rather disgusted by it, we still continued with it.We needed to put a test stick in the urine then find a colour that matches the stick. The colours look like this:
From that very pratical experiment, I understand that urine contains few chemicals such as pH 5 and protein 1+.
Then they was the Action of Lipase on Milk. It was quite fun. With 2 friends, we noticed that a small mistake we make such as adding 1 cm3 will affect the whole experiment. Accuracy is very important I learnt. In that, that 1cm3 turned my chemical into a different colour in the picture shown.
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